Thanks primarily to David and Nella we have three new tools for leveraging collections information.
Please send me a note if you have any questions or would like to see any changes to these.
1. New Books List
2. Books on Order List
3. Hooks to holdings in Global Books in Print
1. New Books List (BETA)
Word of warning, this is in beta, so if you use the url in web pages or give it out, you'll need to send an updated url later when the permanent address is established.
To use:
go to
Note that you can set this up as an RSS feed. I've done this for Library Science and it works quite well.
2. Books ordered by fund (BETA)
Word of warning, this is in beta, so if you use the url in web pages or give it out, you'll need to send an updated url later when the permanent address is established.
The new workflows module on SIRSI doesn't provide a good listing of items ordered by fund (i.e., no titles!), as a workaround Nella is providing this report as an option
To use:
go to
Pick your fund and get a report of the titles associated with that fund in the current fiscal cycle. So if it was received in a previous year, it won't show here.
If you need help remembering the fund or program codes, go to
I haven't used the RSS feed option, let me know if it is problematic.
3. Hooks to holdings in Global Books In Print
Yay, this one isn't in BETA and should work just fine.
This works by clicking on the Search My Library's Catalogue tab.
For example, search "spanish inquisition" and a list of titles appears.
Select up to 5 titles.
Click the Search My Library's Catalogue tab.
A popup appears, press Go.
A list will display with either "not found" or with holdings information from our catalogue.
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