We are pleased to update you with the following information about new and upcoming features:
In Support of EBSCO
- Our Flash Demonstration ( http://www.ebscohost.com/2.0_flash) and
PowerPoint on our marketing web site (www.ebscohost.com) now include details on the search query breadcrumb trail, and the Choose Databases enhancement. - A New EBSCOhost 2.0 Brochure is now available electronically. (http://www.ebscohost.com/special/temp02-08/interfaceBrochure.pdf?marketID=1)
- EBSCO's Support Site now includes the EBSCOhost 2.0 Support Center, (http://support.epnet.com/ebscohost2) completely devoted to all things 2.0., with a link to the online training registration form. (http://training.ebsco.com)
EBSCOhost and EBSCOadmin Updates - Available Now:
- Shared Folders enable EBSCOhost users to store and share items with other users. For details, please see these FAQs:
What are Shared Folders? If you cannot open the link, please cut and paste this URL into a browser: http://support.epnet.com/knowledge_base/detail.php?id=3720.
How do I Share a Folder? Here is the URL to the above FAQ: http://support.epnet.com/knowledge_base/detail.php?id=3749
How do I Accept a Shared Folder? Here is the URL to the above FAQ: http://support.epnet.com/knowledge_base/detail.php?id=3751
EBSCOhost and EBSCOadmin Updates - Coming Soon:
- Multiple Database Limiters will appear with those limiters common to all databases being searched, even when they do not apply to all of those databases. Any of the five most popular search limiters: Full Text, Published Date, Publication, Peer Reviewed and References Available may be included in the common limiter area, above the database-specific section on the search screen, provided they are supported by at least one of the databases being searched.
- Enhanced Clustering will provide more cluster types (controlled by the library administrator), including Publication, Company, Geography, NAICS/Industry Codes, etc.
- SUSHI Web Service Support means that library administrators will be able to generate COUNTER Reports using EBSCOhost's secure SUSHI Web Service. The automated process will begin when a library's electronic records management (ERM) system requests a usage report to be automatically transmitted to EBSCO via the library's SUSHI client, after which a COUNTER report will be prepared and returned to the library.
Online Training Classes:
- EBSCO customers can receive free online training on a wide variety of topics, simply by signing up here (http://training.ebsco.com). For an overview of EBSCO's online training offering, see this top story: (http://support.epnet.com/support_news/detail.php?id=427&t=h).
Please visit EBSCO's Support Site (http://support.ebsco.com) to learn about new features, search among thousands of FAQs, download Flash tutorials, Help Sheets or User Guides, or communicate with Technical Support at any time, using the EBSCO Support Form (http://support.epnet.com/contact/askus.php).
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