Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Brochures handed out

We've sent out copies of the digital text brochure you all had a look at earlier in the month, to faculty in the following departments, with the appropriate liaison business card.

EVDS - 26 - Nasserden
English - 52 - Hemmings
Germanic, Slavic, East Asian - 22 - Vaska
Greek and Roman - 16 - Robins
Philosophy - 23 - Lipton
Religious Studies - 18 - Lipton
Anthropology - 13 - Neary
History - 28 - Robins
Political Science - 28 - Pahulje
Centre for Military & Strategic Studies - 3 - Roseneder
Communication and Culture - 30

We know have some more copies on hand, let me or Linda know if you want to request some.


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