Friday, August 20, 2004

HeinOnLine gets new look

Dear HeinOnline subscribers,

Recently I informed you that the HeinOnline home page ( would be getting a facelift. I am pleased to let you know that this facelift is now complete, and the home page now features a more up-to-date look for visitors who wish to learn more about the product.

As mentioned previously, this new look does not impact the way in which HeinOnline operates for the researcher; it is merely a cosmetic change to the home page. Regardless, we still welcome any comments that you may have, which you can feel free to send to me at

Also, how quickly names can change! In my last list-serv message, I announced our forthcoming “Early American Law” monograph collection, which would be loosely based on Morris Cohen’s 7-volume, award-winning “Bibliography of Early American Law” collection that was published by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. in 1998 (bound sets are available at a special price if you are interested).

Today, we have “officially” chosen the name for the future monograph collection in HeinOnline. Due to the substantial number of monographs that have now been identified for release, with broader coverage beyond early American law, the new library module will be called the Legal Classics Library.

In addition to the 100 titles identified by Morris Cohen, 125 additional “A”-rated titles have been selected for immediate inclusion from AALS Law Books Recommended, and dozens of other titles from several other sources have been located, as well. It now appears that the first release of this new HeinOnline library module will include at least 200 titles and take place before the end of 2004.

In subsequent years, approximately 500 new legal classics will be released annually. It is our intent to work closely with subscribers and legal researchers to identify the most significant contributions to legal history. Therefore, we welcome your input about the titles that you would like to see in HeinOnline’s Legal Classics Library. Again, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Last, but certainly not least, the following new material has just been added to HeinOnline. All told, this release provides researchers with 225,000 new pages of online research material.

New or significantly expanded journal coverage in HeinOnline:

Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal
Vols. 1-23 (1976-2002)

Foreign Affairs
Vols. 16-82 (1937-2003)

International Labour Review
Vols. 91-140 (1965-2001)

Oregon Law Review
Vols. 1-81 (1921-2002)

Roger Williams University Law Review
Vols. 1-8 (1996-2003)

Southwestern Journal of Law and Trade in the Americas
Vols. 1-9 (1994-2003)

More than 25 new Slip Opinions have been included with this latest release.

Thanks to everyone for your ongoing support of HeinOnline!

Brian Jablonski

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